Deeper and Wider Search Engine
powered by MindSearch

AstroWind: Production-ready. Deploy your own style search engine!

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Want to know more about MindSearch?


What is new in MindSearch?

One of the most powerful answer engines with Large Language Models (LLM).

Ask Everything You Want to Know

MindSearch is designed to solve any question in your life and use web knowledge

In-depth Knowledge Discovery

MindSearch browses hundreds of web pages to answer your question, providing deeper and wider knowledge base answer

Detailed Solution Path

MindSearch exposes all details, allowing users to check everything they want. This greatly improves the credibility of its final response as well as usability

Multi-Agents LLM Framework

A seamless integration between multiple LLM agents, enabling 300+ web browsing within 1 min

All Open-Sourced

Every piece of code is open-sourced, embracing a culture that is open to new ideas and contributions. Deploy for your own answer engine!

Optimized UI Experimence

Providing all kinds of interfaces for users, including React, Streamlit, Terminal. Choose any type based on your need


Compared with other AI Search Engines

Comparison on human preference based on depth, breadth, factuality of the response generated by ChatGPT-Web, (Pro), and MindSearch

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